Below is the pseudo-code to show that the same logic can be written in multiple ways.
Approach 1:
// Query for contact info List < Contact > cts = [SELECT ID, AccountID from Contact where Location__c = 'USA' CreatedDate = Last_N_Days: 10 ]; // Get list of account IDs. Set < ID > accountIds = new Set < ID > (); for (Contact ct: cts) { if (ct.AccountID != null) { accountIds.add(ct.AccountID); } } if (accountIds.size() > 0) { List < Account > accounts = [Select ID, AnnualRevenue from Account where ID in: accountIds]; for (Account accountFound: accounts) { if (accountFound.AnnualRevenue == null) accountFound.AnnualRevenue = 500; } update accounts; }
// Query for contact info and annual revenue on account in a single query List < Contact > conList = [SELECT ID, AccountID, Account.ID, Account.AnnualRevenue from Contact where Location__c = 'USA' AND CreatedDate = Last_N_Days: 10 AND AccountId != null AND Account.AnnualRevenue == null ]; // Some code that take data by navigating from Contact and update in Account. Map < ID, Account > accountsToUpdate = new Map < ID, Account > (); for (Contact con: conList) { if (!accountsToUpdate.containsKey(con.AccountID)) { con.Account.AnnualRevenue = 500; accountsToUpdate.put(con.AccountID, con.Account); } } if (accountsToUpdate.size() > 0) { update accountsToUpdate.values(); }
List<Account> lstAccount = [SELECT Id, AnnualRevenue FROM Account WHERE AnnualRevenue = Null AND Id IN (SELECT AccountId FROM Contact WHERE Location__c = 'USA' AND CreatedDate = Last_N_Days: 10)]; if(lstAccount.size() > 0) { for(Account acc : lstAccount) { acc.AnnualRevenue = 500; } update lstAccount; }
System.debug('--Limits'+Limits.getLimitAggregateQueries()); // 300 System.debug('--Limits'+Limits.getLimitQueries()); //100 System.debug('--Limits of agg '+Limits.getAggregateQueries()); // 0 System.debug('--Limits of Queries '+Limits.getQueries()); // 0 List<Account> lstAccount = [SELECT Id, AnnualRevenue FROM Account WHERE Id IN (SELECT AccountId FROM Contact )]; System.debug('--After Limits'+Limits.getLimitAggregateQueries()); //300 System.debug('--After Limits'+Limits.getLimitQueries()); // 99 System.debug('--After Limits of agg '+Limits.getAggregateQueries()); //0 System.debug('--After Limits of Queries '+Limits.getQueries()); // 1
ciniFcupse Kim Romero